Data Security Is Important!

Setting up a public-facing network without any security is really asking for trouble. This is why I've taken a lot of care in learning how to implement security in fixed networks as well as wireless networks. For fixed networks, firewalls, VLANs, passwords, and protocols like 802.1x are great for limiting access and reducing risk.

Wireless networks can be set up in a few different ways. If you separate the network with VLANs and prevent clients from communicating with anything other than their default gateway, you might get away without a password. But otherwise a strong one is essential.

WAN Security

Security can be implemented pretty easily for home networks. However when you start exposing services and computers to the internet, security becomes a much bigger deal. Great care has to be taken to understand what a potential threat actor has access to at any time, and components like firewall rules and SSL certificates must be installed properly.

LAN Access From WAN

One great way to securely access a local network from the internet is through a VPN connection. This effectively establishes an encrypted tunnel containing your data, which can be safely transmitted across unsecured networks. VPNs are often used so employees can access enterprise networks and resources, without their company having to expose resources to the internet.


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